A Church in Gladstone, OR
Sunday Gatherings 4:30PM
We gather for worship on Sunday evenings at 4:30pm and share a meal together after service every week.
16575 SE Webster Rd, Milwaukie, OR 97267
Yes, we know our address says “Milwaukie”, but who are we kidding, we’re in Gladstone.
What to Expect on Sundays
Sunday Service at 4:30PM
At present, Theophilus is a small community comprised of equal parts kids and adults. Every Sunday at 4:30PM we worship, engage in scripture, partake in communion, and share a meal together all in the same space. Our gathering times reflect the real complexity of everyday life. It’s not uncommon for our sanctuary to have wiggles and runners, and is also filled with people who truly desire to know one another and pursue Christ together.
Visiting for the 1st Time?
If you are visiting for the first time, we really look forward to meeting you. Please make sure you ask for one or both of our Pastor’s (Christy and Cameron) so we can greet you, show you around, and welcome you into our space. Meeting you and knowing you is why we Pastor so please don’t be shy. That said, if you’re not looking to socialize and want to come and rest, you are most welcome to just come and be. Just be forewarned, people will try to talk with you…
On the first Sunday of every month we have a potluck. On every other week, meals are graciously provided by people within our community who prepare food for all of us to enjoy together.
How We Gather
We believe that church is a place we go to encounter the love of God. We not only experience this love through our worship and learning but also in practice and through one another. With that in mind, the form of our gathering time frequently changes. Sometimes we meet around round tables and sometimes we host a banquet. At times we go outside, and sometimes we worship in a traditional setting. We believe that the posture we take can be a formative part of worship, and we have a team of creative people who are always helping us think of new ways to prepare the space we worship in.
Kid’s and Youth
We start our services with everyone worshiping together. After worship, kids from infants to the end of grade school are dismissed to their classrooms. Some families opt to keep their kiddos in the main sanctuary for the entire service, which we fully welcome. Middle Schoolers meet twice a month during our gathering time. On the other weeks, middle schoolers stay in the sanctuary with us.
We Prioritize Relationship
It is so important to us that Theophilus is a place where you are known. Yes, we do the traditional church kind of things, but our deepest passions are to walk alongside real humans as we learn together how to surrender to the unrelenting love of Christ. If we need to sacrifice the “program” of church to sit, listen, and discern with one another, we will. To us, its in the context of relationship that some of the most important work is done.
What We Believe
It is undeniably challenging to assess what “we” believe since “we” consist of many types of people from differing backgrounds who have become intrigued and enamored by Jesus. Despite having a wide range of beliefs and convictions surrounding numerous theological and socio-political issues of our day, we are a community that chooses to find hope in the unrelenting grace and pursuit of God, made known in the person of Jesus and continued in the ongoing life of the Spirit.
Despite welcoming a wide range of beliefs, it is clear we need a guide and some maps to help us find where we are going.
We look to God (Father//Son//Spirit) as our guide and to the Bible (OT//NT). Additionally, we hold to the Creeds (Apostolic//Nicene). We are shaped by christian history and tradition and the ongoing testimony of God’s transcendence spoken through creation.
We do not care to try and differentiate ourselves from other churches, because we see ourselves as one expression of a much larger body. With that, our theology is best described by a beautiful communal creed written by the early church, most commonly known as the Apostles Creed. It reads:
Apostles Creed
We believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; he descended into hell; on the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty; from there he will come to judge the living and the dead. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.
Christy Thomas
Cameron Marvin
Kurissa Sun
Council Member/Treasurer
Tom Ritz
Facilities Extraordinaire
Bill Jastram
Council Member
Bailee Bruun
Council Member
Pat Keller
Council Member
Love Your Neighbor
Through established relationships with Afghan families in Portland, Theophilus has become the fiscal sponsor for 20 people from Afghanistan seeking emergency humanitarian parole.
Humanitarian Parole is a temporary relief status granted by the US government for individuals trying to enter America in an emergency. Many people from Afghanistan who are pursuing refugee status are using this program to urgently relocate to a safe space while they apply for and await a long term visa.
Fiscal sponsorship means we are embracing the responsibility of helping supplement their monetary needs for up to 1 year so they can safely have access to housing, food, clothing, access to transportation, etc.. Every adult who is granted humanitarian parole will qualify for a temporary work visa and employment opportunities have already been established to reduce the amount of additional support needed. As of December, 2024, all 20 applicants have been approved and have safely resettled to Portland.
Other Efforts…
We are always looking for other ways to support the most vulnerable. We hope you will join us in our quest to learn new ways of welcoming and embracing the hurting in and around our city.
Follow this link to give to the general fund or any of our ministry and outreach projects. Any questions about Theophilus finances can be directed to finances@theophiluschurch.com.